What Is Squalor?

“Severe Domestic Squalor is defined as an environment where a person’s home is so unclean, disorganised and unhygienic that people of similar culture and background would consider clearing and cleaning essential. Accumulation of dirt, grime and waste material extend throughout living areas of the dwelling along with possible presence or evidence of insects and other vermin. Rotting food, excrement and certain odours may cause feelings of revulsion among visitors. As well as accumulation of waste, there may have been purposeful collection and or retention of items to such a degree that it interferes with occupant’s ability to adequately clean up the dwelling”. 

(Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5)

  • Whether you live in a cluttered environment or you recognise that you have any of the H&S criteria, it will be important to get your behaviours under control. You will need to be honest about your situation and be prepared to seek help if change is what you would like